Website Analysis

Stonehouse Media has over 15 years of experience in website analysis and web position reports that document whether our client’s Internet marketing efforts are working. Depending on the need, we prepare weekly, monthly, or quarterly analysis of what is happening on your website over time so you can respond, identify trends, and measure return on your investment.

We give our clients the tools and data to understand the activity on their site around the clock. How many users have signed up? Who are they? Where did they come from? What industry are they from? Did they watch the video or take part in an online program? Did they take a test? How did they do? How long did they stay? The questions we can ask and the possible reports we can generate to describe and analyze the data are never-ending. To measure success and your return on investment requires remaining current with the audience’s activity and learning about their needs.

Each report is customized based on our client’s unique business model. We will compare site traffic and leads not only to the previous month but also the previous year or years. Using Google Analytics and other tools, the website analysis will include how your site is performing on the search engines for a list of targeted keywords as well as recommendations for improvement.

Our Capabilities

Distance Learning, Webinars & Podcasts,
Content Development, Social Media Marketing,
Responsive Web Design, Post Production,
Search Engine Optimization, Email Campaigns,
Special Effects & Animation and much more.

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